Scarlett Sound Studio

Taylor Swift’s Lead guitar player Paul Sidoti hired Carl Tatz Design (CTD) to design Scarlett Sound Studio, a 9.1.4 PhantomFocus™ (PF) Dolby Atmos MixRoom™ studio in his Nashville, TN home. The studio features several CTD acoustic design hallmarks including the MixRoom Acoustic Lens™, subwoofer enclosure bass traps, Axial Mode Absorber (specified by Denis Foley of Acoustic Fields), and a sound expansion canopy in the tracking room.
All 13 speakers are PFM HD-1000 Mk II Master Reference Monitors mounted on Sound Anchor PhantomFocus stands except for the height speakers which utilize Adaptive Technologies MM-3RDX-18 assemblies. All amplification and processing provided by two PF-configured Ashly multi-channel modules. Both the TV and center channel monitor are controlled by motorized lifts and positioned according to whether the system is in the stereo or Atmos mode. Each mode has its own processor setting as frequency response varies with each position of the TV and center channel and all elements are switched remotely at the console. Tuning and monitor positioning follows both Dolby and PhantomFocus protocols rendering extreme accuracy and emersion. Studio wiring performed by SkinnyFish Audio. The studio layout includes a comfortable iso booth, a relaxing lounge area with classic video game machines, and a remote amp closet.
Current gear list includes: Avid S6 M40 24-9-D Console, Avid MTRX II, Avid Pro Tools MTRX Studio, PhantomFocus PFM HD-1000 Master Reference Monitor System (13, (2) Undertone Audio MPDI-4, API 3124V, (2) API 512V, (2) API 550A, API 550B, API 560, (2) API 527, API 2500, Universal Audio 1176LN, Universal Audio LA-2A, Empirical Labs Distressor EL8-X, Hear Back Pro Q System, Fractal AXE III.
Keyboards: Roland RD-2000, Roland JD-800, Roland JX-8P, Roland MKS-20, Yamaha DX7, Yamaha TX-816, Yamaha TX802